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Andres Bustillo Iglesias

Andrés Bustillo Iglesias


At the University of Burgos I teach or participate in the teaching of the following subjects:

  • Informática aplicada al Audiovisual at the "Audiovisual Comunication" degree
  • Animation techniques at the "Audiovisual Comunication" degree
  • Técnicas de Animación 3D en el Grado de Diseño de Videojuegos


I am coordinator of the following Erasmus agreements:


I have supervised the following final degree projects:

VIRTUAL RECONSTRUCTION AND INTEGRATION IN AUGMENTED REALITY OF THE INSTRUMENTS OF THE COATING OF THE CLOISTER OF THE MONASTERY OF SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (I), JUAN DE MIER Y TERÁN (2018). The development of multimedia material that brings us closer to the historical-artistic heritage is essential to facilitate its understanding and make it, at the same time, attractive. In this case, three medieval musical instruments present in the Romanesque paintings of the coffered ceiling of the well-known cloister of the Santo Domingo de Silos monastery are reconstructed in 3D.

APP DESIGN «LA RUTA DE LAS ESTELAS», INÉS MIGUEL ALONSO (2020). Along the same lines as before, this work brings the family audience closer to different Roman stelae integrated into the facades of the town of Lara de los Infantes (Burgos), through an APP with geolocation. All of this through a 3D character that makes us reflect and understand better these funerary elements from Roman times.

CREATION OF AN EXPLANATORY VIDEO USING 3D COMPUTER ANIMATION: HIPERBARIC 3, A. ALISTE RÁBANO (2017). The videos generated through 3D modeling have become a fundamental tool to explain different industrial tasks. In this case the supply requirements necessary in the installation of large hyperbaric food sterilization machines. 

I have supervised the following final master projects:

CREATION OF A DIVULGATIVE AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCT BASED ON COMPUTER ANIMATION, BLANCA GUINEA (2014). In this case, a video has been generated using 3D modeling and animation to explain to children between the ages of 5 and 9 how a sleep disorder diagnosis is made. This makes it easier for the child to relax before these diagnostic tests through a close, clear and attractive message. 

APPLICATION OF AN IMMERSIVE REALITY ENVIRONMENT: THE VILLA DE BRIVIESCA IN THE XIV CENTURY, TO THE TEACHING HISTORY TO STUDENTS OF 2º ESO, ALICIA DE LA PEÑA ARROYO (2019). Not all the works intend to develop audiovisual products. In others, students adapt the products already generated to different groups of end users. In this case, an Immersive Virtual Reality environment previously developed by another student is applied as an element of teaching medieval society to adolescents, emphasizing the search for a valid methodology for the current classroom and its integration with more traditional teaching resources. 

VIRTUAL 3D RECONSTRUCTION OF BRONZE CONTAINERS FROM THE ROMAN SITE OF BUNIEL FOR DISSEMINATIONJUDIT ALCALDE ELENA (2020). In the line of recreation of heritage, in this work a set of bronze containers from Roman times is reconstructed in 3D by photogrammetry, while its original appearance is recreated by means of 3D modeling. All is oriented towards its integration as multimedia material in the Archaeological Museum of Burgos where these pieces are exhibited. 


Pedro Santos «Optimization of industrial processes with Data Mining techniques: maintenance of wind turbines and manufacturing with laser technologies» (2015)

David Checa «Advantages and limitations of immersive virtual reality educational appications in learning» (2022)

Kim Martínez «El juego como estrategia de intervención educativa ante los trastornos depresivos en la infancia: diseño, desarrollo y ejecución de un videojuego en realidad virtual» (2022)

José Miguel Ramírez Sanz «Optimization of industrial processes through semi-supervised learning» (2025)


M.C. Saiz, M.J. Zaparain, S. Rodríguez, A. Bustillo, Design of a smartart classroom in art history: a learning experience with sef-regulated serious games, INTED2019 Proceedings 11th-13th March 2019: 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Iated Academy S.L), pp. 1998-2006, ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1. 

Checa Cruz, M. Alaguero, A. Bustillo, «Un entorno de realidad virtual inmersiva para descubrir el patrimonio perdido«, Vestir la arquitectura: XXII Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte, ISBN: 978-84-16283-64-4, 2019, Volumen: 2, pags. 1597-1602  

Ramón, A. Bustillo, Los efectos de la realidad aumentada y la impresión 3D en la comprensión de dos puentes históricos de Burgos, Vestir la arquitectura: XXII Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte, ISBN: 978-84-16283-64-4, 2019, Volumen: 2, pags. 1623-1628  

Martinez, A. Bustillo, «Creación de un video explicativo sobre la máquina Enigma utilizando Animación 3D por ordenador» en «Historia de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones al servicio de la defensa», pags. 315-326, Universidad de Burgos 2017, ISBN 978-84-16283-33-0 

Checa, M. Alaguero, A. Bustillo, «Un entorno de realidad virtual para fines docentes«, XXV Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa «Aulas y Tecnología Educativa en Evolución», JUTE 2017. Burgos, 21, 22 y 23 de junio de 2017, pags 326-333, ISBN: 978-84-697-4975-3. 

Martinez, A. Bustillo, J. M. Saiz, «Introducción a la Informática Gráfica 3D a través de un Taller de Realidad Virtual y Patrimonio Artístico«, XVII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2011), pags. 363-370, ISBN: 978-84-694-5156-4 

Bustillo, D. Martín, “Creación de artículos en Wikipedia como herramienta de introducción al concepto de Web 2.0 para estudiantes de Comunicación Audiovisual”, 313-320, XV Jornadas de enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2009), Barcelona, 8-10 Julio 2009, ISBN 978-84-692-2758-9 

Lopez, R. Marticorena, J. J. Rodriguez, A. Bustillo, “Proceso de Gestión de trabajos fin de carrera”, XV Jornadas de enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2009), Barcelona, 8-10 Julio 2009, pgs. 413-420, ISBN 978-84-692-2758-9 

Lopez, R. Marticorena, J. J. Rodriguez, A. Bustillo, “Final year project management process”, 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), Valencia (Spain), 7-10 Abril 2010. Proceedings, Volume 2, pgs. 5-12 


Proyecto RiskReal (Training Low Qualified Workers To Reduce Risks And Increase Resilience In Demanding Industry Using Virtual Reality (RISKREAL) 2020-22 financied by the European Union (Project number: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-081847) 

Proyecto Fordysvar (Fostering inclusive learning for children with dyslexia) financied by the European Union 

Proyecto EMaCS (European Master in Computer Science) 2007-2010 financied by the European Union (Project Number: 134385-LLP-1-2007-1-PT-ERASMUS-ECDSP)
